Morning Routine – TIME

For years I have worked on getting a solid morning routine in place. I have been trying to figure out what works best for me in order to have the most energy and feel my best throughout the day. When I listened to a podcast with Jay Shetty it was when it all clicked. He described what he had found were important aspects to a morning routine and that you have to make TIME to your morning routine. I could 100% relate to this and I really like the way he framed it.

Do you have a morning routine?

I’m aware that all of you might not be a morning person but I absolutely am. I love early mornings, the best thing I know is to wake up before my alarm around 4:45 am (my alarm is usually set for 5 am), meditate, spend some time reflecting on what I’m thankful for, light some candles and work for a few hours and after that go out on a 30-60 min morning walk. As the sun starts to rise earlier I will most likely go for a morning walk first and after that start my work day. I adjust so I get out around sunrise. This fills my soul and I feel ready to take on the day in a different way compared to days when I just have to get up and get going. 

Your morning sets the tone for the rest of the day, if you wake up exhausted and with no energy, it will not get better as the day goes on. This is not me guessing, I know this from experiencing it myself. For years I was struggling with feeling tired and low on energy, mainly because I was dealing with two Autoimmune diseases but also because I didn’t take care of my health the way I do today. Your health matters and it is so important in order for you to feel your best but also look your best. Those two things go hand in hand, at least in my opinion and having both is worth so much more than having just one of them. It was days when I woke up and could barely move my body because I was in so much pain. By taking Imperfect Daily Action towards a healthier me I started to figure out, SLOWLY!, what worked and what didn’t work for me and my health and well-being. It is an ongoing journey till this day and I’m still learning. 


You might wonder what Jay shared that I could relate to as I mentioned above but didn’t explain in detail. You have to make time for your morning routine and the four letters of TIME each have a meaning. 


T – Thankful, spend time being grateful for specific things in your life. Nothing generic like weather or the ocean, go deep and think about people, circumstances, opportunities etc that you are thankful for. 

I – Intention, meaning visualize the way you want your day to look like and set the tone for the day.

M – Meditate, Sit or lay down comfortably and either listen to a guided meditation for 5-20 min or set a timer and relax, breath through your nose and be present in your body. 

E – Exercise, it doesn’t have to be that you go to the gym. What it means is that you should do some sort of movement for a minimum of 15-20 minutes.

You don’t need to do all of them to start with, it is more important that you do something. Start with one of them and slowly incorporate more and take away the ones you don’t like. It is your morning routine and you choose what you want to include in it. What I hope this will do is to inspire you to start with one thing every morning that helps you to set the tone for the rest of the day. 



Coach Josefine



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