Night Time Routines

Earlier I talked about morning routines and the importance of having a solid routine in the morning in order to set the right tone for the day. If you missed it you can read it here

It is as important to have a solid night time routine and even more if you usually have a hard time to fall asleep or if you don’t sleep well. Having a night time routine will actually improve your sleep and you will fall asleep much faster.

Jay Shetty who is a former has written the book “Think like a monk”, he uses the acronym NIGHT for his night time routine.

Before we go into what the acronym stands for, let me explain why you should have a night time routine. A night time routine will help you let go of all the stresses from the day so you can relax and fall asleep easier. It will make sure that you get a good and restful sleep so you wake up feeling rested and refreshed, ready for a new day.


N – No phone for 1 hour before bed

I – Set your Intentions the night before

– Embrace gratitude for the day

H – Heal through writing

T – Set an exact time for sleep

I know that it might feel challenging to get all of this into place, but I have to tell you that it really helps. Personally, I’m really bad at number one, the no phone. I think that is one of the hardest ones, at least for me.


The three in the middle is something that I feel helps a lot, I have been doing journaling every night for a while and it is extremely helpful and it both helps me relax but also reflect over my day, my life and my future.


When I’m done journaling I usually do a list of things that I want to get done the next day, I try to keep it to 3-5 things in order to not overwhelm myself too much. Having a list ready as an action plan for the next day helps me let go and fall asleep faster, it also helps me to be more productive the next day and start working as soon as I have finished my morning routine.


I’m curious, do you currently have a night time routine? I would love to hear!

Coach Josefine



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