Day ONE or One Day???

DAY ONE OR ONE DAY??? That’s up to you to decide. 

It is never easy and will never become easier to start. 

Unfortunately that is the truth right there. Trust me, I have been there more than once myself. Even though it might not look like it right now, I have had different body types throughout the years. Some that I have felt more comfortable in than others.

Despite that, I do look back and love all of them. They all tell a story. They all are a part of who I am today. They made me grow, get out of my comfort zone and challenge myself. If you don’t already know that by now, I do love to challenge myself. I guess that is why I have done what I have done so far in life. 

❤ ️ With that said – No matter where you are right now and what body type you have, what I want you to do first and foremost is to love the body you are in right now!


 You are beautiful and your body is amazing.

Another side note, I did not always like to challenge myself either. Growing up I was pretty shy, and always wanted to stay home with my family (Don’t get me wrong, I still love that till this day and I miss them when I’m in the US even though I love it here). 


However, let’s get back to my different body types. Love yourself where you are now but if you have a dream to change, I want you to challenge yourself to make that change today and start your journey towards your dream body. It is never too late, you can do it!!! 

I know you can. 


Some tips on how to get started 


  1. Cut out processed food and sugar
  2. Drink 2-3 liters of water each day
  3. Move your body daily and try to get 7-10k steps in each day 
  4. Sleep 7+ hours each night 
  5. Control your portions

Portion Size Control 

1-2 palm size of protein 

1-2 cupped hands of carbs 

1-2 fists of veggies 

1-2 Thumb of fats


That is a simple way to start controlling your portions but if you want to be more exact you need to know the calories you need to take in a split between the macros – protein, carbs and fats.

Picture Credit – Precision Nutrition




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