Do You Know Your NEAT?

NEAT = Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis 

Did you know that you actually burn calories even when you don’t workout? It is not only extended hours of cardio that is beneficial when you want to lose some unwanted fat. We also have something we call NEAT.


You probably wonder what NEAT is, it means Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis in the fitness industry. It is all the things you do throughout the day that is not related to a specific exercise activity, so for example cleaning your home, grocery shopping, yard work, taking the stairs instead of the elevator etc. All the things you do during the day when you are moving your body but you are not consciously trying to burn calories through lifting weights at the gym or running. It is the energy expended for all the activities you do that is not eating, sleeping and sports-like exercise.

5 ways to increase your daily NEAT 

  1. ALWAYS take the stairs when possible The elevator will not bring you closer to your goal, take the stairs friend and get some extra steps in and an increased heart rate.  
  2. Get a standing desk at work It’s not a huge difference in caloric expenditure but every little thing will add up. Move more at work, instead of emailing a co-worker walk over and talk to him or her, plus it’s always nicer to talk in person when possible.  
  3. Run your errands Running around in and between stores burns more calories than you think. So whenever possible try to get it done without a car if you can or park as far away from the store as possible so you get more steps in.  
  4. Do your own chores at home Cooking, cleaning, doing your laundry keep you active even when at home. Getting those things done will both make you feel fulfilled about having a clean home but it will also keep you moving which mean a higher energy expenditure.  
  5. Break up your day Take small breaks during your work day and get up and move. If you want a coffee, walk to the coffee place instead of ordering to your office. Get outside for a short 10-15 min walk every few hours. You will be amazed to see how your productivity will increase and your daily calorie expenditure. You will feel much better and get more things done in less time. 

This means that hours of cardio at once might not be the only solution to fat loss or not even the best solution for you. So, as you can see there are way more options than so and the most important thing is to find what best suits you and your lifestyle. Some people might like getting their cardio in every morning and that’s fine. Other people might hate it and rather do short walks throughout the day or their work or life might keep them on their feet so much so they don’t need to do any extra cardio. Maybe the solution for you is to change up the nutrition a bit. There are not one size fits all, in order for you to be successful in your weight loss journey you need to find out what works for you and do things that will be sustainable in the long run. Sure, you might to do extra cardio for a while but it is important that it doesn’t stress you out and leave you run down.

NEAT is something important and so powerful and don’t underestimate the importance of moving your body in different ways during the day. Our bodies are made to move, so let’s keep moving. 


Do you want help to find out what suits you, your life and your body the best? If so, I would love to help you because that’s what I do. I do Online Training and Nutrition Coaching and I help you incorporate healthy and active habits into your life. Everything will be tailored towards you and your needs, wants and goals. This is not a quick fix, crash diet or easy way to lose weight. This is a long term, sustainable solution that will help you reach your dream body and keep it for life! 

Coach Josefine



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